
2023 Pfizer Latino CRG Annual Summit


Pfizer needed a compelling 2023 Annual Summit for their Latino Colleague Resource Group. The main objectives were to raise awareness, showcase its progress, and strengthen connections within the Latino community. C&A Digital was tasked to design an annual summit that highlighted achievements and attracted new members to join the group. ​


C&A Digital developed a comprehensive strategy to address the unique needs of the Latino CRG and the broader Latino community at Pfizer.



  • Event Strategy and Development: Created an event that celebrated the rich cultural diversity within the Latino community, incorporating inclusive elements to engage a broad audience.​
  • Internal Communications Strategy: Developed an internal communications strategy (ie, emails, social media posts, and digital banners) to communicate the achievements and progress of the Latino CRG and promoted event to Pfizer’s wider organization.​
  • Creating Community in Event Components: Implemented an in-person and virtual workshop, with networking opportunities aimed at fostering stronger connections within the Latino community among internal stakeholders. ​​

Key Metrics

The event recorded its highest-ever attendance by Latino employees at Pfizer, both in-person & virtual. In addition, C&A Digital provided a first-of-its-kind internal photoshoot, ensuring diversity representation and opportunity for authentic marketing efforts using actual employees.​

200 in-person internal stakeholder attendees

275+ internal stakeholders attended the networking event

300 internal stakeholder virtual attendees